So today at school, there was a code yellow.
A code yellow is a time where we all have to be in a class room with the door locked and the have to be curtains closed. Its when there is a chemical leak or a suspicious looking person walking around the school.
The thing is it happened at St.Joe's and G.V. yet almost all the elementary schools locked down!
Since i am in immersion, i have a french class and a english class, so when we should have eaten in english class we ate with the other immersion class.Which my younger best friend happens to be in!
So i doodled in her notebook while she doodled on my arm.So i have a bunch of little doodles on my arm that refuse to come off.
It was so much fun!! It was also funny because my friends were all scared thinking that they were gonna die. So they were all talking and i said to them if they don't settle down they wont have time to write there will.So they all sat down got there i-pod touchs out and starting writing there will's! It mad me and my bestie, who was trying not to freak out but failing, laugh!
So after about and hour and a half of my friends freaking out about there siblings being at that school,the code yellow was over. But my older brother told me all about it and how it was a code red for him!!
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